In 2023, and after several years removed from full-time ministry, the Lord started preparing Troy and Machel’s heart for leading a congregation again. After several years of working in the corporate world, the Lord began opening doors we did not expect, leading to this church planting experience. Additionally, after a 21 day fast this calling was authenticated, and Pathway Church Buford was born!

The focus of Pathway Church Buford is two-fold:

First and foremost is to see the LOST COME TO CHRIST. We are truly living in perilous times. Never has our society been so inundated with evil. The return of the Lord for His church is imminent. We MUST do everything possible to reach one more soul for heaven!

Secondly, we have a desire to see MARRIAGES HEALED and RELATIONSHIPS RESTORED! Troy and Machel have experienced hurts, disapointments, and failures. Facing divorce and complete brokenness, the Holy Spirit had other plans. After time away from ministry and seeking council and a team of healing…their home and family was restored. Now, 34 years later, one of their greatest passions is to see broken marriages mended and to one again thrive. We are led to do everything we possibly can to help restore the FAMILY to Christ.

Pathway Church Buford will NOT have all the luxuries of an established church from the very beginning. However, we are fully devoted to being sensitive to the Holy Spirit and to cultivate His anointing in our services. While we want growth, we will not be dominated by growth. We want to see fully devoted and developed believers created. We will make sure that we have a quality and safe environment in our nursery and children’s ministry to protect and develop our children while doing everything within our power to see all lives transformed.