We believe that ALL people will stand before the Lord and give an account for their lives. Therefore, we want to do everything we can to make sure people can know Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior.

We believe that God still does the Supernatural today. The GIFTS of the SPIRIT are valid for Today’s church. We fully expect to see signs and wonders in out church and through our ministries. His (Jesus) strongest desires are to set people free that we might live fruitful lives.

We believe it is NOT our job to change people. Our job is to LOVE ALL people equally.

We believe in preaching the ENTIRE WORD OF GOD without omitting things that may make us uncomfortable. The purpose is never to condemn but rather to provide opportunity for the Lord to work in our hearts.

We believe that when we honor God with our first fruits, He will take care of HIS church financially.

We believe that we should do everything within our power to provide a place of spiritual training for all children.

We believe we should serve the community in many ways.


The spirit of the Antichrist is alive and strong in our world. Sin is rampant. Satan has blinded the eyes of many. We MUST do everything we can to love and pray for people that they will see the truth. Time is SHORT! We LOVE the SINNER but HATE the SIN.